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grounded grassfed
We do this for the love of it.....

The Grounded Team is led by a family who is wholly committed to regenerating ecology and producing healthy, tasty beef. We came to this because we love the natural world and we believe that properly managed herbivores are one of the best tools for healing the land.  We have managed herds of thousands of cattle, organic dairies, as well as pigs, broiler chickens and layer chickens all for all sizes of farms and ranches. We have managed conception to consumption, direct market grass fed cattle operations, organic farms, and huge community supported agriculture farms with upwards of a 1000 members. This in other is what we do. We hope you will come be part of this story with us. 


Byron and Alessa met at a regenerative agriculture and naturalist program in 2009 at the Regenerative Design Institute where they found a passion for broad acre land management and restoration. Byron and Alessa both worked to help manage and run a 1000 member CSA where Byron worked with cattle as a restoration tool everyday and got to see increases in landscape health and forage production. In addition he managed the ranch operations with thousands of broiler chickens, and hundreds of layers and pigs in an integrated agroecosystem. Alessa worked on the customer fulfillment end where she created the systems and protocols for how the farm managed,  assembled, packed the huge variety of orders for the thousands member strong CSA.


Byron and Alessa both eventually moved on from the CSA to Mindful Meats. Byron spent time as the director for Holistic Cattle Sourcing for Mindful Meats a local sustainable beef company where he worked with the team to help create a sourcing protocol for their program. Alessa has been with Mindful Meats since 2013 working as the Livestock Production Manager and Marketing Manager, where she manages everything from cattle purchasing, to social media to compliance. Byron and Alessa are both big fans of Mindful Meats and the work they do, and appreciate being part of that family.


Byron has spent the last 8 years regeneratively managing land and cattle for the non-profit Sonoma Mountain Institute where he has been able to live his creative vision of broad acre grassland restoration. 


Nate Chisholm was worked on ranches around the world that we're doing innovative grazing management. Nate has spent time working in Texas at the Savory Center as well as Southern Africa working with some of the best ecological and grassland managers. Nate also worked with Chad Peterson in the Sandhills of Nebraska. Chad managed a thousand head of cattle at million pound to the acre densities, 350 head of buffalo in the oldest private herd in the state, and a thousand goats that were rented out for land management work. Following Nate's years with Chad, he moved to California, and managed thousands of chickens and several hundred cattle for Marin Sun Farm’s. From there he worked on several other grass fed beef operations in Marin, Sonoma, and Humboldt counties including True Grass Farms. He has also consulted for numerous ranches in Marin and Sonoma Counties on how to better manage their cattle operations as well as their grasslands. He has spent the last four years working as a grassland manager for Sonoma Mountain Institute where he is able to meet his personal goals of repairing grasslands and savannahs in a very effective environment.


Nate Chisholm was worked on ranches around the world that we're doing innovative grazing management. Nate has spent time working in Texas at the Savory Center as well as Southern Africa working with some of the best ecological and grassland managers. Nate also worked with Chad Peterson in the Sandhills of Nebraska. Chad managed a thousand head of cattle at million pound to the acre densities, 350 head of buffalo in the oldest private herd in the state, and a thousand goats that were rented out for land management work. Following Nate's years with Chad, he moved to California, and managed thousands of chickens and several hundred cattle for Marin Sun Farm’s. From there he worked on several other grass fed beef operations in Marin, Sonoma, and Humboldt counties including True Grass Farms. He has also consulted for numerous ranches in Marin and Sonoma Counties on how to better manage their cattle operations as well as their grasslands. He has spent the last four years working as a grassland manager for Sonoma Mountain Institute where he is able to meet his personal goals of repairing grasslands and savannahs in a very effective environment.

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